Before and after carpet cleaning, our technicians do a walk-through. This article demystifies the walk through process, letting you know what to expect and why.
Category: Article
Limestone Selection and Care
For anyone considering having limestone installed, as well as anyone with an existing installation, read this article to learn where limestone works best, why limestone is not suitable for wet…
How to Remove Chewing Gum from Carpet
Removing clingy, sticky chewing gum from carpet may seem like a nightmarish task, but it can be easier than one might imagine. Here are a few methods to try.
Removing Urine Stains and Odors on Natural Stone
Urine stains and odors can be difficult to remove from natural stone. Here are some step-by-step instructions for both urine stain and odor removal.
Do Certain Types of Carpets Attract Dirt?
Have you ever wondered whether certain types of carpet attract more dirt than others? Read this article before you select new carpeting.
Is My Stone Really Stained?
We have received many calls regarding “staining,” and in some cases the issue is not a stain at all. Here are some examples of stone problems that look like stains…