Is basic carpet cleaning good enough? Yes, however, there may be circumstances where you need some “extra services” that the carpet cleaner can provide.
Category: Article
The Versatility of Stone
Most of the time, when people think about natural stone, what comes to mind is “big projects.” Natural stone is great for smaller projects outside as well as inside.
Upright vs Canister Vacuums
Routine vacuuming is essential to keeping your carpets clean in between professional cleanings. However, what you vacuum with is just as important as the vacuuming itself.
5 Common Stone Misconceptions
Every product, no matter what it is, has some sort of “misconception” or mistruth told about it. Stone is no different.
Carpet Padding
Carpet padding is a separate piece of underlayment that you put down between the floor and the bottom of your carpet or area rug.
Granite vs Porcelain for Countertops
Porcelain has entered the countertop market in a big way. The question is: How does porcelain stack up against granite for countertops?